Piet and Mariétte Ebersöhn South Africa | Μεσιτικό Γραφειο Ρούλα Ρουβά | Κέρκυρα - Παξοί - Ιόνια Νησιά - Ελλάδα
Αληθινές real estate ιστορίες

Σχόλια πελατών


Piet and Mariétte Ebersöhn South Africa

You find yourself half an earth away from Corfu, the lawyer you signed with to represent you in your property deal is acting like so much of thin air, no approach had been done to banks for financing, it turns out that your application to the Ministry of Defence which will allow you to purchase property in Greece has disappeared – the list merely carries on and on …….

Then you find a suitable property with RRCorfuRealEstate .. What now?

Roula and her team takes over. They sort out all the requirements, find appropriate advisors, lawyers and financing for the purchase. They assist you by continuous communication, keeping you on top of developments every step of the way. They trace the lost permission to purchase application documents and ensure that it is submitted to the relevant authorities with all the attachments and comment, even assist in liaising with the lawyer who seemed to have evaporated. Appointments are made, contact is set up in your resident country with representatives of the bank that agreed to do the financing, all tax registration and legal and auditing representation in Greece is organised and then changed at the last minute when the personal approval from the Minister of Defence is obtained in the nick of time. The transaction has now changed from an off-shore investment to a personal purchase and all has been handled extremely professionally, helpfully and inclusively by Roula Rouva and her team.

Yes, some three years passed in the meantime, but the deal has gone through successfully. RRCorfuRealEstate  has let the property, assisting not only ourselves as owners, but also the lessees on numerous smaller and larger issues concerning relocating and residing in a foreign country, property management issues and friendly, humane advice.

Apart from the tenacity to see this prolonged transaction through, everything was dealt with in the most encouraging and substantially supporting manner. Not only did they assist in travelling and accommodation arrangements, they were the epitome of courtesy and hospitality – always meeting you on arrival, spending time to familiarise you with the island, its cuisine, customs and people and definitely selling the lifestyle you have now invested in!

To Roula and her team, including her family and those people she associates with who also contributed and assisted in the process, our heartfelt appreciation! We would like to commend you and would certainly be very pleased to do further business with you in future.

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