Enjoy the pleasure of Greek dancing
The rest of the Western world is inclined to romanticize Greek dancing, the legendary Zorba’s famous silver screen steps having played no mean feat in establishing this image.
Consequently, to experience some Greek dancing is high on the wish list of many visitors to Corfu.
To experience the custom as it is practiced by the village folks in real life, it is best to visit one of the panygiria abounding on Corfu in summer – traditional festivals celebrated by local church communities, although, today the villagers do not don traditional dress for these occasions.
However, quite a number of restaurants or taverns on the island put up such shows with dancers dressed in glorious traditional regalia.
The vibrant, pulsating music captivate the guests and they are happily carried away, participating in the interactive show, enjoying dances for courting and wedding and even war, sharing age old traditions.
Such traditional dances may include Corfiot dances like the rouga and the fourlana, and from other parts of Greece the kalamatianos (the famous wedding dance), the antikristos, the zeibekiko, the ballos, the hasapiko and the quicker hasaposerviko.
Adding to the fun, is the opportunity for the guests to learn some Greek dancing themselves, enabling them to relive the experience in other places on many, many more occasions.
Of course, like with most Greek nights all over, Zorba’s famous sirtaki is often the highlight of the show.